

Show Policies

1. I enter any dog that is in my "show string" no matter how sessioned they are. This gives us maximum points for each show. I rarely enter enough to change the point schedule, and never permanently.
2. I will only use a maximum of four handlers: one male class dog, one male special, one female class dog, and one female special.
3. I have very rarely deliberately specialled a female. Usually if you see that, I just haven't updated my show string.
4. I will remove dogs I don't want to special and assign their handlers to my next show dog. If my next show dog isn't eligible for those top handlers, they will become available to anyone who gets to them first! So even if you enter late, you might get a great handler!
5. I do not look at what I'm showing against, so if I've entered against your source level dogs, I'm sorry! I didn't know! Drop me a line and I'll be more careful.

Stud Policies

I'll place anyone up for stud for $25. I don't need the $$. If I missed someone, just drop me a line!

Sales Policies

I put what I can up for sale. I usually update this account on Wednesdays, so check back then. I'll also usually post on the forums. I do not care what you do with a dog after I've sold it, whether you breed it to death, show it, or FH it. If I sold it, it's because I didn't need it. So don't worry about angry posts on the forum from me.

None at this time.

Residential Polar Ice Spinone Italiano

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 20.0 (#1,977)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 7/13/2013
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 5/19/2024

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters