
Breeder of 187 champions and 100 grand champions

GCH CH Houndsome Bigheart (G34 32) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Exaggerator (9.8G 40) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Gambit (9.8G G34 139) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Glow Getter (NBISS|| WC G3 325) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Golden Glow (GCHS NBISS G234 210) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Jelly Baby (G1234 Nx3 BrD 370) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Jungle Hunt (G3 102) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Oppugn (9.8G G4 47) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Perfector (9.8G G4 54) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Sugar Baby (57) Beagle
CH Houndsome Tiny Poem (9.8G 21) Beagle
Houndsome Bellossom (9.8T 11,2) Beagle
Houndsome Repeater (9.8G 10,0) Beagle
New Puppy #5 (90A 9.8T) Beagle

GCH CH Houndsome Antagonist (G1 23) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Blackmail (9.9FQ 9.8G 77) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Dark Horse (NBISS 25) Beagle
CH Houndsome Dark Pattern (16) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Extorter (NBISS WC G1234 324) Beagle
CH Houndsome Freak Flag (9.8G 9.8T 9) Beagle
CH Houndsome Gloomy (9.8G G4 3) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Gouge Away (9.8G 82) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Lapidarist (G4 31) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Opar (9.8G G34 199) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Protagonist (9.8G G4 47) Beagle
CH Houndsome Significant Other (9.8G G2 12) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Tarzan (NBISS|| G234 356) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Warlock (67) Beagle
Houndsome Ezra (90A 9.8G) Beagle
Houndsome False Friend (80A 9.8G 10TNB 9.8T) Beagle
Houndsome Gloss (95A 9.8G 9.8T) Beagle
Houndsome Reveler Beagle
New Puppy #3 (90A 9.8G) Beagle

By Ch Houndsome Freak Flag out of Ch Houndsome Oppugn.
(4 days)
New Puppy #5 (Dog) Beagle
New Puppy #3 (95A 9.8T) (Dog) Beagle
New Puppy #1 (90A) (Dog) Beagle
By Ch Houndsome Protagonist out of Ch Houndsome Gambit.
(4 days)
New Puppy #4 (Dog) Beagle
New Puppy #3 (Dog) Beagle
Houndsome Wangle (Bitch) Beagle
Houndsome Tactic (Dog) Beagle
By Ch Houndsome Freak Flag out of Ch Houndsome Bigheart.
(4 days)
New Puppy #5 (Dog) Beagle
New Puppy #2 (Dog) Beagle
By Houndsome False Friend out of Ch Houndsome Exaggerator.
(4 days)
Houndsome Demander (Bitch) Beagle

Retirement Couch
GCH CH Houndsome Appropriative (30) Beagle
CH Houndsome Badge (9) Beagle
CH Houndsome Big Hunk (5) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Birdwatcher (GCHS BISSx5 G34 230) Beagle
CH Houndsome Bubble Tea (9.8G 6) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Button (70A 2xG4 51) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Charm Bracelet (10TNB 9.8FQ 87) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Clarissa (G3 43) Beagle
CH Houndsome Couplet (G4 9.8FQ 10.2HQ) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Cruel Intention (104) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome El Presidente (GCHB G4 N SDWC 157) Beagle
CH Houndsome Gannet (0) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Gemstone (G4 BrD 71) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Gimmick (9.8G 10TNB SDWC 62) Beagle
CH Houndsome Hard Rock (70A) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Honeytrap (G3 91) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Revenant (9.8FQ 9.8G G4 25) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Rising Sign (42) Beagle
CH Houndsome Seance (9.8T) Beagle
CH Houndsome Secretive (9.8G 5) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Sing Sing (10TNB G34 SDWCBOB|||) Beagle
CH Houndsome Siren (10) Beagle
CH Houndsome Sorceror (9.8G 0) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Storyteller (9.8G 10TNB G1234 159) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Stratagem (G4 41) Beagle
CH Houndsome Surrender (9.8G 10.2HQ 3) Beagle
CH Houndsome Tagalie (7) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Test Pilot (193) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Thief (G4 75) Beagle
GCH CH Houndsome Thunderbolt (9.8FQ 10.2HQ 83) Beagle
CH Houndsome Undead Gentleman (1) Beagle
CH Houndsome Ursula (10.2HQ 1) Beagle
CH Houndsome Velvet Ring (9.8FQ 9.8G 10TNB 2) Beagle
General Info
Prestige: 83.0 (#87)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 2/12/2018
Account Level: Standard
Last Visit: 5/17/2024
Community Rank: 365th
Forum Activity

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